No work in the mythos has portrayed a definitive method of harming or defeating the Slenderman, and his victims usually survive by fleeing or psychologically conditioning themselves to ignore the Slenderman’s presence. Slenderman also seems to be immune to fire. He is immortal, having lived for at least eleven thousand years without end, and any wounds inflicted on him instantly heal.ĭetrimental contaminants such as disease, pathogens, viruses, and bacteria are harmless to Slenderman, and he is also unaffected by poisons, toxins, venom, allergens, alcohol, drugs, and radiation. The Slender Man has a highly varied arsenal of supernatural powers and abilities. These appendages are only visible under certain conditions and the Slender Man can use them for mobility or as weapons.

Witnesses have described these as ranging from " snake-like arms" with too many elbow joints to rope-like in appearance. One of the more unusual aspects of the Slender Man's appearance is the description of other appendages or limbs in reported sightings. The figure is often described as wearing a black suit with black or red tie, although these seem to be relatively recent additions to the mythology, suggesting that he changes his appearance every once in a while to better fit in with his surroundings.

Witnesses also say his face is difficult to focus on, calling it "ever-changing". Observers also believe he can change his height. He sometimes appears with incomplete facial features, such as empty eye sockets or mouth as if the face comes from a clay mold. However, the widely agreed upon appearance is of a pale, emaciated male figure, with a height of between seven and nine feet tall, and no facial features. This often comes down to cultural bias, with the observer projecting his fears into the sighting and blurring his recollections. One of the fundamental issues facing Slender Man investigators is the fact his appearance is subjective, with reports varying from area to area. A small group of people believe that he is real and have reported sightings from diverse locations. Slender Man's motivations vary depending on the version, but the original has him as a monster that despises humanity and takes pleasure in sadistically torturing them before devouring them. He is widely recognized as a sort of pop culture icon and also a very controversial figure, considered a prime example of a Creepypasta villain at its best, being featured in many fictional stories around the web. In versions of the legend, he will impale captured victims on tree branches, either symbolically or saving them for later skinning and consumption. Although works rarely elaborate on what he does with his victims, they usually assume that he kills them or takes them to another dimension. Slender Man popularly appears as a malevolent demon or entity outside the known physical reality of the universe that abducts and psychologically traumatizes people, particularly children. The mythos also assumes that he may have a long-term (cataclysmic) goal in mind, but a substantial number of works leave this uncertain and imply that he operates on a small area or group of individuals only. The mythos widely considers that his "faceless pale man in a suit" persona is only a simpler form and that his true form is beyond comprehension for mortals. He is an internet meme and urban legend, which branched out across the web as a figure with the distinct mythos.

The Slender Man, also written as Slenderman, is the titular main antagonist of the mythos of the same name. Illness manipulation (commonly known as the "Slender Sickness") "Slenderwalking" (appearing and disappearing at will)