The following item pools are decremented by 40% (0.4) on sight: The following item pools are decremented by 50% (0.5) on sight: Treasure Room and Greed Mode Treasure Room.The following item pools are fully decremented on sight: Touching an item will remove it from all item pools.If an item happens to be in more than one item pool, the weight decrementation will also apply to other pools.However, the amount of the decrementation varies depending on the specific item pool. When you see an item spawn, the weight of that item is automatically decremented inside of the respective item pool.Item weights were adjusted more extensively in Repentance.Plan C has a weight of 0.2 in the Curse Room, Devil Beggar, Devil Room, Greed Mode Shop, Red Chest and Shop pools, making it 80% less likely to encounter.Mega Blast has a weight of 0.2 in the Devil Room and Greed Mode Devil Room pools, making it 80% less likely to encounter.Delirious has a weight of 0.4 in Angel Room pool, making it 60% less likely to encounter.Bomber Boy has a weight of 0.2 in the Bomb Bum pool, making it 80% less likely to encounter.Only a few items in the game do not have a weight of 1:.((1 * 198) + (2 * 0.5) = 199) This means items with a weight of 1 have a 1 in 199 (0.5%) chance to spawn, while an item with a weight of 0.5 has a 1 in 398 (0.25%) chance to spawn.

In a pool of 200 items that has only 2 items with a weight of 0.5, that would result in the total weight being 199. However, if an item has a weight of 0.5, that means that item is 50% as likely to spawn compared to an item that has a weight of 1.For example, if there are 200 items in a given item pool, and each item has a weight of 1, that means there is a 1 in 200 (0.5%) chance to get any particular item from that pool.Nearly every item in the game has a weight of 1. The weight represents how likely it is for the game to spawn the item. Each item that is in an item pool has a weight associated with it.